List of all Statements for voting Copy

    1. Achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2030
    2. Air pollution is a complex issue
    3. Banning car use in London ULEZ would be a drastic measure and could have significant economic impacts on local businesses and residents.
    4. Banning car use in London ULEZ would greatly reduce air pollution and improve overall public health.
    5. Banning car use in the ULEZ would help London reach its goal of achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2030.
    6. Behavioural changes may be needed from citizens to encourage sustainable transportation use
    7. Contributes to fight against climate change
    8. Contributes to London’s goal of net zero carbon emissions by 2030
    9. Encourage sustainable transportation
    10. Encourage use of public transportation
    11. Enhances public health and well-being
    12. Enhances quality of life
    13. Help London reach net zero carbon emissions by 2030
    14. Implementation can be challenging
    15. Implementations may vary from area to area
    16. Improve air quality in outer London
    17. Improve health of Londoners
    18. Improve overall quality of life in London
    19. Improves air quality
    20. Improves public health
    21. Increase public health and well-being
    22. Increase use of walking and cycling
    23. Involves both public and private sectors
    24. It could lead to job losses and reduced economic activity in the area.
    25. It may disproportionately affect lower-income individuals and families who cannot afford alternative transportation options.
    26. It would be a significant infringement on individual freedom of movement and could be seen as a violation of personal rights.
    27. It would encourage the use of more sustainable transportation options such as walking, cycling, and public transportation.
    28. It would greatly inconvenience residents and visitors who rely on cars for transportation, especially those who live or work in areas without good public transportation options.
    29. It would reduce traffic congestion, making the city more livable, and accessible for all
    30. It would significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to the fight against climate change.
    31. Make London more livable and accessible
    32. May be inconvenient for residents and visitors
    33. May be seen as infringement on freedom of movement
    34. May be seen as unnecessary burden by some people
    35. May cause frustration for those who can’t afford new, low-emission vehicles
    36. May disproportionately affect lower-income groups
    37. May exacerbate economic inequalities
    38. May lead to loss of tourism revenue
    39. May lead to people avoiding certain areas of London
    40. May negatively impact local businesses
    41. Measuring air quality is a difficult task
    42. Promote sustainable mobility in London
    43. Protects the environment
    44. Public transportation systems need to be reliable and efficient
    45. Reduce air pollution in London
    46. Reduce carbon emissions from road transport
    47. Reduce emissions from road transport
    48. Reduce reliance on personal cars
    49. Reduce traffic congestion
    50. Reduce traffic congestion in London
    51. Reduces emissions from road transport
    52. Reduces premature deaths
    53. Reduces traffic congestion
    54. Requires a multifaceted approach
    55. Requires infrastructure investments
    56. Sustainable transportation includes multiple options
    57. Tackle the climate emergency
    58. Target the most polluting vehicles
    59. ULEZ may require additional fees