Tony Czarnecki, the Managing Partner of Sustensis, will be making a presentation during the Europe Day, at the event hosted by the Citizens Takeover Day, on 9th May at 13:00 CET (See below for details). The presentation as well as the whole event will be live streamed and those that wish to log on and participate in the discussion will be sent a link in the next few days. There is also a Facebook page:
European Federation by 2025
A presentation by Tony Czarnecki, Managing Partner of Sustensis on 9th May 2020 at 13:00 CET
Please register here: To register, attendees have to click on “Register” next to (Not Started)
Over the last few years, almost everything around us has started to change at nearly an exponential pace. The world after the Covid-19 pandemic will look so different because all those pending changes will explode at once! Every aspect of our lives will change for ever but it will also become clear how fragile we are as a civilization to existential risks created by ourselves, such as Climate Change or Artificial Intelligence. Humanity has quite probably entered the most dangerous decade in its all history. And yet the Planet Earth still does not have a single supranational organization that would guide us through this turbulent period.
Such an organization needs to be created latest by 2030 and this presentation will provide a full justification for the urgency of such an action. Since the creation of this organization within a decade is of course impossible, the only option is to adapt the most advanced existing organisation, which would initially act as a de facto World Government. Sustensis has done some fundamental research on which organisation might best perform such a role and it became very clear, it is the European Union. At first, it would have to be converted into the European Federation. That should happen by 2025, if we want to manage existential risks such as Artificial Intelligence or Climate Change.
When you join this presentation, you will learn why it is necessary to make the creation of the European Federation as the EU’s most urgent task and how to make such a process feasible within a few years. You will also see how to make the participation of the EU citizens, in various EU assemblies most effective.
“At a turning point for Europe, and when it seems to be little to celebrate on the Europe Day, we decide to take the courageous, and perhaps crazy decision, of organising Citizens Take Over Europe, a citizen participation action starting on the 9th of May, to send out a message of hope and togetherness, and to stand up for democracy.
We are a group of civil society organisations from across Europe calling on others to join an unprecedented common effort to take democracy in Europe forward. While our leaders struggle to find a common solution in the EU, we take our own responsibility to put citizens and residents at the centre of the conversation about the future of Europe. And not only that: we believe it is crucial for people in Europe to self-organise across borders to realise the Europe we want: a Europe that cares and is taken care of.
We will bring people together across borders to share stories about how people are taking care of each other and trying to make things better right now – and using this as a blueprint for another Europe, a Europe that cares.
On the 9th of May we kick-off a process for a self-organised European Citizens’ Conference to take place over the coming 2 years, in which people can have their say about our present and future, and ensure that citizen and civil society participation is at the heart of all new initiatives for the future of Europe. We need to introduce a fundamental and bottom-up energy to reimagine our relation to Europe at a moment when top-down governance is threatening the idea of European solidarity and risks dividing our societies even further.
Our actions will be held together online and offline on a kick off day-long marathon taking place on the 9th of May across Europe and in different languages. The programme will include artistic performances, political debates, readings, and podcasts to be broadcasted through our partners’ channels.
Another story of Europe is being written. Let’s hear it!”
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![]() New Europeans is a membership association. Our members support the New Europeans platform and campaigns through an annual subscription. If you have not yet joined as a member, please sign up today: Join hereHeads up!! New Europeans is on INSTAGRAM!! Your Voice in Europe A famous comedian called Tommy Cooper once asked the Queen: “Do you like football, Ma’am?”. “Not really!”, the Queen replied. “In that case, could I have your tickets to the cup final?” (NB: The Queen supports Arsenal F.C.) ![]() That’s Macron at the Wold Cup, but how do you feel about winning for Europe? The football season has been cancelled in most places (some will breathe a sigh of relief, others will be distraught!). But life in Europe goes on! And on 9 May, it is Europe Day, and the 70th anniversary of the Schuman Declaration. What are your plans? Do you care about Europe as much as the Queen cares about Arsenal? Are you willing to stand up for Europe in this moment of crisis and make the business of shaping the future of Europe your own? We often ask “what is the Europe we want?”. This year we actually need to ask ourselves: “How can I make a difference?” “What can I contribute to Europe?” The EU institutions normally organise a few events for Europe Day, don’t they? This year the message that seems to have gone out from “on high” to all pro-Europeans is “Take over Europe Day! Do it yourselves!” So together with 15 NGOs from around Europe, we’ve organised a special day packed with exciting online events called Citizens Take Over Europe. The two key events we need you to support are the ones directly organised by New Europeans. One is about our EU Green Card proposal and the future of free movement in Europe, the other about the need to learn lessons from the coronavirus crisis to reform how healthcare is organised in Europe. Don’t worry if you haven’t done this before! It’s very easy to take part, and you will find you will have a very enjoyable conversation in a small group (we use online breakout rooms) – no prior knowledge or any technical expertise is required! Or to put it another way, you don’t have to be “smart” about these issues to take part!! ![]() Register here By Europe we don’t just mean the EU – so if you live outside the EU you are warmly welcome in all these new conversations about the future of Europe. Imagine your club was in the Cup Final and somebody offered you two free tickets to go? Is that something you would consider? Well your organisation, New Europeans, will be centre stage with the Europe Day celebrations this year – no football involved, but it will be an exciting occasion, good company, great conversations. ![]() Register here We’d love you to join the conversation because we’re interested in how you see things from your perspective and in what you have to say! Nothing short of that is going to work if we are to rebuild Europe from below. The building of Europe is a journey. And as with all journeys, if we want to get “over there” we have to set out from “over here”, where we are now. We the citizens are the only ones who know where “over here” is. It’s the reality of our daily lives in our local communities. That’s why we need your help. That’s why we need you to join in. To change those realities. To make our lives in our local communities so much better. Whatever the challenge, we should be much better placed to meet it because we are all part of Europe, shouldn’t we? Let’s talk about it on 9 May!The Tuesday Conversation Every Tuesday evening from 19:00 (CET) New Europeans holds an online conversation about the future of Europe. This week we mark the occasion of World Press Freedom Day and also honour those saving lives on the frontline of the NHS: ![]() ![]() Maria Laura Franciosi Joan Pons Laplana Founding President, Brussels Press Club Britain’s Nurse of the Year 2018 The Tuesday Conversation – sign up here Places are limited and we operate a waiting list system. If we are unable to accommodate you this week we will try to give you priority next week. World Press Freedom Day! #WorldPressFreedomDay “No democracy is complete without access to transparent and reliable information. It is the cornerstone for building fair and impartial institutions, holding leaders accountable and speaking truth to power.” — António Guterres, United Nations Secretary-Geneva ![]() New Europeans is delighted to support World Press Freedom Day and to renew our commitment to working for a free press as the bedrock of a democratic society. Or as former Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta put it today: “Democracy and freedom of the press are twins”. Please re-tweet In particular, we would like to take the occasion to share the work of an important project in Italy which has been brought to our attention by Maria Laura Franciosi, Founding Chair, Press Club Brussels Europe and a board member of New Europeans. ![]() Cercavano la verità (They sought the truth) is a website by Ossigeno per l’Informazione which gathers evidence to support investigations into the murder of 30 Italian journalists murdered by the mafia, terrorists or during conflicts abroad. Find out more about the project here Can the EU live with autocratic regimes? ![]() Filipe Marques is a Portuguese judge based in Porto, a civil rights activist and member of New Europeans. Judge Filipe Marques, attending #RuleofLaw protests in Warsaw, 18 January 2020 He is President of MEDEL (Magistrats Européens pour la Démocratie et les Libertés), a European NGO, established in 1985. New Europeans works closely with MEDEL on rule of law issues in Poland and Hungary. In an article for New Europeans, Filipe writes: “The COVID-19 pandemic and its emergency rules are the perfect ground for autocrats and wannabe autocrats to flourish” Read Filipe’s article here Memories of May Days Past Iris Hilker is a scientist and active New Europeans member and she leads the team which manages our hugely successful FB page, NewEuropeansNews. She divides her time between her home in Aachen in Germany, Maastricht in the Netherlands where she works and the South of France where she has family connections. ![]() Iris Hilker, preparing to speak to a pro-European ally in AachenWe asked Iris to share her memories of May Day growing up in the Federal Republic of Germany and to reflect on May Day today – in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. “Coronavirus reminds us even most common denominators of work safety and fair working conditions are not yet established everywhere in Europe”. Read Iris’ May Day reflections here ![]() New Europeans is an award-winning civil rights organisation, which has been at the forefront of the citizens’ rights campaign since 2013. We are also working to build links between the UK and the EU, as well helping to bridge the gap between European institutions and citizens. Join New Europeans today With thanks to Else Kvist and Avilia Zavarella (London), Iris Hilker (Aachen), Lena Kronenbürger (Munich), Povl Christian Henningsen (Aarhus), Niels Biermann (Maastricht), Olivier Védrine (Kyiv), Julie Mochamps and Ekaterina Dimitrova (London), Jon Ward (Dublin), Giovani Brauzzi (Roma), Eileen Chan-Hu (Belfast), Maria Laura Franciosi (Brussels), Michel Caillouët (Aix-en-Provence), Yannis Karamitsios (Brussels), Mark Lazarowicz (Edinburgh), Alan Hick (Brussels), Marzanna Diederich (Köln) and everyone supporting our communications teams for making this newsletter possible. |
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